Stikomfest Bali Simbar Competition by UKM KMHD in 2022

Jimbaran – Thursday, August 5, 2022 UKM KMHD (Student Activity Unit of Hindu Dharma Student Union ITB STIKOM Bali) has held the STIKOMFEST Bali Simbar Contest event with the theme “Cultural Adaptation in the Digital Era”. This activity was carried out at the ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran campus for one day taking place in the hall and several laboratories on campus.

This activity was attended by several members and demisionaries of the Hindu Dharma Student Union Student Activity Unit. In addition, they also invited three judges including: Mr. I Nengah Yoga Darma Adi Putra, S.Pd, Mr. I Wayan Suarmaja, S.Pd.B, and Mrs. Luh Yesi Candrika, S.S., M.Hum to give an assessment to the participants of the STIKOMFEST Bali competition. Simbar. The total participants who took part in this competition were 136 participants.

The series of events started in the morning at 07.00, starting with the committee briefing, prayer, participant registration and continued with the opening of the event. Furthermore, the Bali Simbar competition was held by holding 3 sessions. The first session with 80 participants and the second session with 56 participants divided into four rooms in each session.

After the elimination of the competition, the top 10 participants with the best scores were selected. Followed by another race to find the top 3 winners. The top 3 winners will receive prizes in the form of trophies, certificates, and cash.

Student Activity Unit Hindu Dharma Student Union ITB STIKOM Bali also gave souvenirs in the form of certificates and cash to the jury who participated in the running of the event. The event was then closed with thanks from the Chairperson of the Committee and the General Chairperson of the Student Activity Unit of the Hindu Dharma ITB STIKOM Bali Student Union who represented the entire committee to the participants and judges who had participated in the STIKOMFEST Bali Simbar Competition event. Bali 2022.