Multimedia UKM won the National Champion for Community Service Advertisement Competition

DENPASAR – Not long ago, the ITB STIKOM Bali Multimedia Student Activity Unit participated in several national -scale competition events. First, on March 14 – May 21, 2022 UKM Multimedia took part in the Community Service Advertising Competition and Poster Design Competition held by Perbanas Journalistic Competition Institute of Perbanas, Jakarta.

Second, the National Poster Design Competition with the theme “Perpustakaan Sebagai Sumber Informasi, Inovasi, Dan Kreasi Untuk Kemajuan Bangsa” organized by the Kadiri University Library, Kediri, East Java on April 15 – June 11, 2022.

In the video advertising video competition with the theme “Edukasi Menjauhi Hoax dan Ujaran Kebencian”, one of the Multimedia ITB STIKOM Bali UKM members on behalf of I Nyoman Candra Medha Wibawa won 1st place in the competition. Video I Nyoman Candra Medha Wibawa entitled Impact of Hoax and Hate Upuan.

According to him, in this digital era, many people were lulled by technological advances that were so rapid that they forgot the many impacts caused by the technology. In daily life hoaxes and hate speech are one form of impact that we often encounter. The impact is illustrated by a man who is so depressed because of the side effects of the technology.

As for the poster design category with the theme “Mari Bangkit Indonesiaku”, two members of the ITB Multimedia UKM Stikom Bali participated in the competition but have not won the championship. The two students are Ida Bagus Andika Suryawan and Anak Agung Gede Agung Aditya Widnyana.

UKM Multimedia ITB Stikom Bali also participated in the National Poster Design Competition with the theme “Perpustakaan Sebagai Sumber Informasi, Inovasi, Dan Kreasi Untuk Kemajuan Bangsa” organized by the Kadiri University Library, Kediri, East Java.

This competition was held online on April 15 – June 11, 2022. Two Multimedia UKM members who were attended by our UKM members, I Made Putu Darmawan and I Komang Putrawan. Although their poster design works are really amazing, butit is unfortunate that they haven’t come out as champions. At a minimum they have brought the name of the UKM Multimedia ITB STIKOM Bali UKM to National competitions. (*)